Sunday 6 July 2014

Photoraphic image

In general terms an image it is an way of transmitting information, made by  an representation of an moment or an experience formed on the humans eye retina, an sensorial feeling or an sound who gives us an specific message. The same moment can produce different images for an number of people, as everyone it is attracted of different element, we empathise with every single element that we know, we understand, and in the same time we are captivated by the unknown.
Throghout all this the image who remains in our mind more often it is the picture, the visual part of an image.
The message is an presentation element between reality and representation of  reality, ,, overall message is formed by a source of emission, a channel of transmission and a point of reception "(Barthes, 1977:15) so a picture becomes a symbol that evokes an image, an idea, a concept or a feeling.
Symbols becomes part of a system of signs that construct information.
Judging on this we can say that a photographic image it is an visual representation stocked on a format film or digital, who is influenced by the lens distance and camera type, ,,in it`s early years photography was celebrated for its putative ability to produce accurate images of what was in front of its lens, images which were seen as being mechanically produced and thus free of selective discriminations of the human eye and hand."(Wells, 1998:13).
It can be an proof, an document of an happened situation or of a fact recorded on a format, ,, photography validated our experience of being there, which is not merely one of visiting an unfamiliar place, but of capturing the authentic experience of a strange place. Photographs are records and documents which pin down the changing world of appearance." (Wells, 1998: 20)
As of his late start in history , photography was an domain struggling to find his path through art world, and especially the visual arts, ,, photography was a major carrier and shaper of modernism, not only it dislocate time and space, but it also undermined the linear structure of conventional narrative in a number of respects." (Wells, 1998: 19) going to some huge despite for his role, is it an technique or an way of art.

,,Photography must, therefore, return to its true duty, which is that  handmaid of the arts and sciences, but their very humble handmaid, like printing and shorthand witch have never created nor supplemented literature.  Let photography quick enrich the traveller `s album and restore to his eyes the precision his memory may lack; let it adorn the library of naturalist, magnify microscopic insects, even strengthen, with a few facts, the hypotheses of the astronomer; let it in short be the secretary and record- keeper of whomsoever needs absolute material accuracy for professional reasons." (Baudelaire 1859: 297)  was the main Manifesto of Baudelaire in regards of this new; he even actually had sometime some controventional point of view in regards with photography, sometimes feeling like it is an threat, ,,If photography is allowed to deputize for art in some of art’s activities, it will not be long before it has supplanted or corrupted art altogether.” (Baudelaire, 1859: 295)

So looking backwards to the photography and the photographic image we can say that it is more likely to be in a huge majority of cases an matter fact of being an studied pose, an moment who was more through the rational thinking, and being present as an result of an personal choose: ,, photograph it is an object that has been worked on, chosen, composed, constructed, treated according to professional, aesthetic or ideological norms which are so many factors of connotation; while on the other; this same photograph is not only perceived, received it is read, connected more or less consciously by the public that consumes it to a traditional stock of signs." (Barthes, 1977: 19)

Nadav Kander is an well known London based photographer from a background of hebrew family, living and travelling around the world, working in armed air forces, where he come across photography as an technician.
His work varies from landscapes to portraits and camera less experiments, product photography, but the most important part is portraits. Kander's best known portrait,  images of Barack Obama photographed for The New York Times Magazine as a cover feature, made him famous, but more important is a series of  52 full page colour portraits published in one issue of The New York Times Magazine.

This particular image on an classic style of black and white, others in colours one of them had intentioned some kind of green tent, or blue, reflects on Obama, in a different manner. He is illustrated different from the official images, more of a natural feeling, more like a kid of snapshot.
Obama looks more having an feeling of an ordinary member of the public on one hand, even than he is an important person and the first colour president of US,  somehow Kander try to take the attention from his position and focus to his person, revealing the man Barrack, rather than seeing it as the President Obama.
An reflection really interesting focussed, of course even on the series Obama`s Peoples as they are on the end peoples as us, but who has that little who makes the huge difference.
We can see the president having an normal haircut, an natural head pose, eyes opened looking straight on a side with no contact to the camera maybe not even noticing the artist presence, but still we know very well that this is an pose as the light source is really obvious in his eyes, telling us that still on the other hand this is what the artist want to achieve.
An natural posing more like stealed of a normal person with a huge responsibilities, this is Obama`s portrait, an portrait in witch if we didm`t know it is Obama the subject we could say that it was just an normal shot of a person, maybe a catalogue shooting or perhaps an casting.

Platon it is an London based- photographer with his father being originally a greek national.
He is specialised in portrait work, especially front magazines covers and the commission work for different companies advertising campaign.

Despite Nadav portrait of Obama who has an natural feeling of an famous person, Platon is well known for an portrait of an opposite person in a opposite way. The portrait it is portrait of Vladimir Putin commissioned for an british publication, Time Magazine 2007 , as man of the year section, and represented as an powerful man, an scarring look, and even giving him an status of the Tsar, an status used in the last century for the Russians Kings as they were the supreme power.
This idea of looking to an pearson, and giving him the power of institution he run, it is at least for me wrong, an conception who is not making justice to the old Tsar`s but not even to the new russian leadership, making him totally away of this open world policy, giving the impression of undeserved power, for a man who has an limited time to run the institution, not like the institution who lives as long as the country is still alive.

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